Why is it, with so much resource and opportunity in the world, the sheer volumes of information we have on the Internet, and the litany of spiritual venues available, that people would continue to be riddled with unhappiness and plagued by depression? Why do so many of us feel utterly powerless to make a significant difference in the world? Why does it seem like this mysterious force, "out there," is in charge of what's happening? And why do we continue to live in fear of one another? Most importantly, what can we do to overcome all of this?
On one hand, one may comment that the world seems like its spinning out of control; people killing people, a prevailing consciousness over the threat of terrorism, governments that act above and beyond true representation of the people, and economic decay that is creating its own sort of terror. We have had a significant event in history that has changed the way we think, and fear seems to be the prevailing force of our consciousness. Children have guns in schools and the most promising careers are made up of completely fabricated personas. Good virtue goes unheralded and unrewarded. We have reality television shows that reward unscrupulous behavior and exalt people who have no moral esteem. And as people do become aware of the world's problems, growing subsequently weary and stressed out as they realize the seemingly unworkable situation we are in, they are diagnosed with some type of stress disorder and sedated. To a large extent, we have been moving away from our personal empowerment and most of us have no idea how to regain control over life. And that is just the short list!
There is hope though, and that is the point! I want to share some things that have made a difference in my life and for thousands of others, and hopefully impart to you, it is indeed within your ability to be a major force in the world. It is possible to regain your emotional and spiritual health and be at cause in the universe - to live your Essence. We are part of a time now, in history, which is significant in many ways. The Internet has given us access to limitless forms of communication and cooperation, and Quantum Physics has grown up, showing verifiable proof of the similarities between science and spiritual philosophy. It's an exciting time for us as everything accelerates around us and the decisions we make as a people become more and more critical to the sustainability of the planet.
To paraphrase Einstein though, "we will never be able to solve the problems of our current situation from the same consciousness that created it." That is to say that fear cannot and will not overcome fear. You cannot fight terror with more terror; for all that does is compound the problem!
As we evolve, and our sense of discernment grows sharp, we must start to understand and take responsibility for our beliefs. Simply stated, our beliefs create the reality we live in. By allowing the burgeoning corporate interests and media empires to use propaganda, sensationalism, and psychological prowess to shape our opinions, we are living at the effect of what we see and experience on television. Quite frankly, our subconscious does not realize the difference between a real life experience and an experience it remembers from a picture.
In order to regain control, we have got to become more selective and fill our minds only with information that is useful and critical to our success!
Jack Trout, in his book, "Differentiate or Die," expounded upon the number of messages that come at us on a daily basis. It is estimated that the average individual is exposed to 30,000 messages on any given day; quite an astounding number. On one level, we have a filtering mechanism that allows us to function despite this full frontal attack of messaging, however on another level, we have very little defense, unless of course, we live in a cave somewhere. It is virtually impossible to escape the proliferation of "Consumerism" and thus, we need to take proactive measures to live within our Essence.
Health can be directly correlated to your ability to process and subsequently stand clear of negative thought. Conversely, we typically pay dubious attention to the negative stories that run us and subsequently persist in ways that will seemingly resolve these negative thoughts - such as listening to negative banter on the news. Each of us, face lessons in life that make us bitter or they make us better. The real trick is to take each obstacle and process both the pain and the wisdom that goes with it. As we resist these lessons, they become imbedded in our consciousness and make us unhealthy and negative - we start to chase conversations that validate negative data. The point is not to deny our experience, resist it, or try to overcome it, but rather to embrace it, asking questions and finding answers that facilitate the highest and best wisdom. The same goes for concepts and words that clog our minds with negative meanings and unclear outcomes.
True discernment is the ability to assert Choice. When you let your negative reactions dictate the way you feel and act, there is no Choice, only reactive behavior. This reactive behavior is the biggest problem we have. Life can certainly be lived reacting to everything that goes on around us. We can try to build walls to keep out the evil forces and put guards at the gates, but at the end of the day, you really have to ask yourself, how much energy is that going to take? You see, ultimately you can never have enough energy to fight off and react to the consciousness of fear and therefore, it is a losing struggle. This is the underlying reason for depression. The alternative is simply to discard the fear based thought and regain Creative Choice, the underlying nature of Essence. Therein lay the answer.
It would be a disservice though, to write at length about what Essence is, Lord knows, the religions have been trying this for Ions and that is fine. We feel the approach best taken to your own Essence is to allow you to stand clear of your reactive fear based thoughts and listen. Listen for what calls to you. Listen for the synchronicity that life hands you every day. Acknowledge the spectrum of Choice at hand and allow yourself to just be still. Everything you need to live the Essence based life is right in front of you, and that is a promise.