
Monday, April 6, 2009

Be strong-minded

Be strong-minded & reach goals of life..
Set yourself an aim, a GOAL. Thus you're well prepared. Once a Goal is set what remains is to chalk out a plan. Think carefully over the pros and cons. Prune them to your satisfaction and work your way to the Goal. An undetermined process leads you to creaks and crevices. A carefully planned Goal raises your stature.. You shoot high, fly thru the ditches and land at your destination. Isn't that the most disciplined way to fulfill your dreams ! Not the dreams I mentioned above. But, to the realistic ones.
Self-motivation is one thing to be determined by ourselves. Be strong and be wise..

Nothing happens in your life when you will just sit there and do nothing. So, face the reality of life and do something. Start a new one, a small business will do and be a successful one.

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